
made some god progress today

Extruded the box and part and back battery bit. had to improvise and both modify and add some edges to make it extrude out a bit

Detached and created the back battery part. making good uses of the smooth tool and create edge loops. had to modify the battery cover and back box to match up when smoothed. getting comfortable with selecting and modifying edges

Made the battery release by extruding the boxes down and duplicating, learned i can extrude individual faces to make the grooves. the modeling tools are becoming more efficient then they were from blender.

then i finished off today with making the bands for the front two arms of the drone. took me a moment to figure out how to separate the faces and make them so i can view it separately. the video wanted to use the the knife tool to bisect the pieces manually but i thought it would be more efficient to hold ctrl to make an edge loop. i have been enjoying mayas modeling tools.

in case your wondering why these are so early is because i work the night shift at a call center and it gets slow so i can work on homework.


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