
Showing posts from March, 2018

3ds max map day 2

not really i havnt done before but i am getting more comfortable with 3dsmax i did learn alt q i think isolates object which is useful. but i dont know how to put it back

3dsmax environment day 1

i forgot to take pictures but not really anything eventful just made a corridor and started a vent didnt really learn anything i already knew  but i did learn there are two different versions of the material editor.

3dsmax day 8

final module of the tutorial. so i more or less just followed the tutorials as is the material editor seems pretty straight forward compared to the other programs i used. uv unrapping.......oh boy! i couldnt get my unwraps to match up with the videos but i think i get the gist of it. though i need to keep working on it/ i knew my applying textures to work out perfectly nor did i want to spend the time messing with it. same for the front sails heres with a bump map which is kind of fun. then with an emissions glow and map. and with this i am done. if i have time till tuesday ill try to mess with 3ds max and see if theres anything i can do with it.

3dsmax day 7

alright taking the shotgun approach of knocking out a module per sitting lately ive been noticing that i seem to be fighting some of the controls and camera so im wondering if you got a couple pointers of those. Duplicated the sails made the back sails made this thing and had to modify it weirdly for some reason. copied the bottom sail and at this point im taking more artistic liberties mainly to save time. so here the wires were fighting me and i couldnt figure out why some where rendered and some were not. also the controls for the wires would sometimes rotate and sometimes extend to adjust the curve. now on to textures and materials.

3ds max day 6

you gotta show me some camera tricks and adjusting the move rotate and scale tool orientation. those were two things i was struggling with during the last bits of this tutorial. also why does 3ds max not show object i created in the list on the left? yeah kind of left this to last minute but i should be able to crank these out non till tuesday learned how to make and mirror that bit i made and mirroed this bits but why didnt they just appear across like the other engine bay bit made and arrayed the front grill made the sail now this was a hodgepodge of multiple tools but it was nice to be able to see how to warp and bend something without touching the actual vertices took a creative liberty at this point in the interest of time, also this is where i was struggling with aligning the the scale and rotate tools then made and manipulated the back sail. and that knocks out another module.

3ds max day 5

alright back in the saddle. didnt really learn anything new other then taking what i already knew and utilized it better i did learn aboutthe array tool which is pretty nice. then it took me a bit to fiddle but i think i have a clear understanding of cloning and duplicating objects.

3ds max day 4

made alot more progress today. i learned that holding shift and dragging a line can make a new extrude which is really useful. i learned target weld which i wish i knew before and how to apply a smoothing through turbo smooth and open subdiv

3ds max 3

Some more modeling i think im getting a feel for the controls. nothing specal really just playing around with the tools.

3ds max day 2

didnt have too much time this weekend for this but i did try to get some stuff done when i could. really just had time to set up the reference images.